Major Lorne
Published: Apr 06, 2008 Updated: Apr 06, 2008
The team is ambushed on a routine mission and race for the Stargate under fire. Teyla and Rodney make their escape as ordered, but on the other side, the Gate closes before John and Ronon return.
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Rated: R
Categories: Sci/Fi & Fantasy >
Stargate >
Stargate Atlantis Characters: Dr. Carson Beckett,
Dr. Elizabeth Weir,
John Sheppard,
Major Lorne,
Rodney McKay,
Ronon Dex,
Teyla Emmalgan
Genres: Adventure,
CanonType: None
Warnings: Disturbing imagery,
Series: None
Chapters: 1
Table of Contents
Completed: No
Word count: 15294
Read Count: 16
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