Warnings: Language
Other Results: 10 Series
Published: Feb 09, 2013 Updated: Feb 10, 2013

Special Agent Nicholas Donnelly is dead. On the other side, Nathan Ingram gives him what his heart desires - the truth about the Man in the Suit. And then he gives him what his body desires as well. But their romp is interrupted by the arrival of the Man himself. Reese isn't dead; he's unconscious and a captive of Kara Stanton. Whatever he and Donnelly say or do, John won't remember it when he returns to his body. And Nick won't be able to help him once he's gone back. But John has a very specific -- and kinky -- idea how he wants to spend their limited time together.

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Published: Feb 09, 2013 Updated: Feb 09, 2013

Survival instinct. Some people have it in spades. Will Ingram doesn’t have it at all. But his new girlfriend has enough for both of them. Unfortunately, she’s not who he thinks she is. And her Number just came up. If Finch and Reese are going to save a life – and a budding romance – they’ll have to find out who she is, who wants her dead, and why, even after she brutally dumped him, she won’t stop following Will all over the city.

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Published: Feb 06, 2013 Updated: Feb 06, 2013
Bane & Kairi are in a serious realtionship but, can Kairi tell her brother Bruce Wayne (aka Batman) before it's to late? Or will Bruce be forced to find out for himself by someone he doesn't even like?

Kairi is deeply in love with Bane & will go through anything to tell him but, can she tell him about her dark past with her brother's arch enemy or will he be torn to peices by Batman's arch enemy during their perfect eveing together?

& what on earth does Two-Face, Mr. Freeze The Pinguone & Poison Ivy have to do with both of the Waynes? More info...
Published: Jan 21, 2013 Updated: Jan 21, 2013
Morgan worries about losing his best friend and partner.
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Published: Dec 16, 2012 Updated: Dec 16, 2012
The year is 1978, the location - a gloomy orphanage in a Northern US city... The orphanage welcomes its latest resident.
This is the story of the twelve-year old Peter Caine and his first days at Pineridge, an orphaned boy struggling to come to terms with his whole world falling apart, and learning to live again. Also few words on destiny's mysterious ways... More info...
Published: Jun 25, 2012 Updated: Jun 25, 2012



Years ago, Lionel Fusco had no choice. To save a young girl’s life, he shot and killed her gun-wielding father in front of her.

Years later, Harold Finch had no choice. To save a teenager’s life — and to keep her out of IFT’s servers — he kidnapped a heroin-addicted hacker and committed her to rehab against her will.

Now the young woman’s own attempts to make good choices have gone terribly wrong, and her Number’s come up. To save her life for a third time, Fusco, Finch, and John Reese will need to examine her choices – and their own.


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Published: Feb 26, 2012 Updated: Feb 26, 2012
A bounty hunter comes for Vin. More info...
Published: Dec 06, 2010 Updated: Dec 07, 2010
It seems like everything is back to normal in the world. But what's that in the distance? Could that be... are those Orcs? Didn't they all die when Sauron was destroyed?! ....Wait... who are they chasing?! More info...
Published: Nov 23, 2010 Updated: Nov 29, 2010
Gibbs hasn't had a woman to love since his wife, Sharon, and daughter, Kelly, died those many years ago. Does that mean that he'll never find another woman who suits him? Or is he just waiting for the right woman to come along? More info...
Published: Dec 11, 2009 Updated: Dec 17, 2009
A brilliant story(I hope!) about Lord of the Rings and Bleach in a mixed effort story. More info...