Genres: Mystery
Published: Mar 10, 2013 Updated: Mar 10, 2013
What would you give up for the ones you love? What should you give up? Reese and Finch understand sacrifice. They’ve both paid dearly to protect those they care about. But when love may cost a teenage girl her future and a teenage boy his life, can they write a better ending for their modern-day Romeo and Juliet?
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Rated: PG-13
Categories: Crime Drama >
Person of Interest Characters: None
Genres: A.U.,
MysteryType: N/AWarnings: Adult content / Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 13
Table of Contents
Completed: Yes
Word count: 45103
Read Count: 6
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Published: Jul 15, 2012 Updated: Jul 15, 2012
She was a childhood friend who wasn't quite what she seemed. This story features Tim McGee, my original character Hope, and Ziva David.
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Rated: G
Categories: Military >
NCIS Characters: None
Genres: MysteryType: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1
Table of Contents
Completed: Yes
Word count: 2562
Read Count: 1130
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Published: Dec 06, 2010 Updated: Dec 07, 2010
It seems like everything is back to normal in the world. But what's that in the distance? Could that be... are those Orcs? Didn't they all die when Sauron was destroyed?! ....Wait... who are they chasing?!
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Rated: PG-13
Categories: Tolkien >
Lord of the Rings Characters: Aragorn,
Genres: Adventure,
RomanceType: None
Warnings: Adult content / Sexual Situations,
Series: None
Chapters: 2
Table of Contents
Completed: No
Word count: 1390
Read Count: 31
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Published: Nov 23, 2010 Updated: Nov 29, 2010
Gibbs hasn't had a woman to love since his wife, Sharon, and daughter, Kelly, died those many years ago. Does that mean that he'll never find another woman who suits him? Or is he just waiting for the right woman to come along?
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Rated: PG
Categories: Military >
NCIS Characters: None
Genres: Adventure,
RomanceType: None
Warnings: Adult content / Sexual Situations,
Series: None
Chapters: 4
Table of Contents
Completed: No
Word count: 2284
Read Count: 9674
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Published: Aug 31, 2009 Updated: Aug 31, 2009
The team investigates a three-year-old murder where the main suspect is the son of another murder suspect who disappeared nearly 30 years earlier.
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Rated: PG
Categories: Crime Drama >
Cold Case Characters: None
Genres: Canon,
MysteryType: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 8
Table of Contents
Completed: Yes
Word count: 17995
Read Count: 19987
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Published: Aug 11, 2009 Updated: Aug 11, 2009
The squad reopens the case of a man who was convicted of murdering his daughter when new evidence comes to light that indicates he may actually be innocent.
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Rated: PG
Categories: Crime Drama >
Cold Case Characters: None
Genres: Canon,
MysteryType: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 8
Table of Contents
Completed: Yes
Word count: 14157
Read Count: 425588
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