Titles - H
Published: Feb 26, 2007 Updated: Feb 26, 2007
Thanksgiving is the time of year to count your blessings - but how do you do so when wondering if a family member is dead or alive?
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Rated: PG
Categories: Action/Adventure >
KFTLC Characters: None
Genres: AngstType: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1
Table of Contents
Completed: Yes
Word count: 8527
Read Count: 910
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Published: Aug 17, 2006 Updated: Aug 17, 2006
Timeframe: February 1999; just over six months after ‘Vacation'.
For Peter and Kermit, their vacation has been over for some time. Six months have now passed since their nightmarish ordeal with Straker. Their wounds have healed but the scars remain. Scars that now threaten to tear their very relationship apart. Is their friendship strong enough to find the truth that will make them whole again...before it's too late?
Second in the "Ties that Bind" series
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Rated: R
Categories: Action/Adventure >
KFTLC Characters: All characters
Genres: None
Type: None
Warnings: Language,
Series: Ties That Bind
Chapters: 8
Table of Contents
Completed: Yes
Word count: 23288
Read Count: 809
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