Fan Fiction Writers
The Realm of Unleashed Imaginations
10 Longest Stories
Published: Jul 16, 2006 Updated: Jul 16, 2006
Setting: Mirkwood, Year 150 A battle for power becomes a battle for survival as the Kingdom of Mirkwood begins to crumble from within. And a young elven prince is caught up in a nightmare world of terror and pain and treachery beyond imagining.
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Rated: R
Categories: Tolkien >
Lord of the Rings Characters: Haldir
Genres: CanonType: None
Warnings: Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 32
Table of Contents
Completed: Yes
Word count: 152811
Read Count: 87
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Published: Oct 09, 2006 Updated: Oct 09, 2006
Timeframe: Early January 2000, set approximately four months after ‘A part of me.'
Events will unfold that will test their abilities, their friendship and their trust of each other as Peter and Kermit face a terrorist threat that pulls old friends from Kermit’s past into the mix. But will the close bond and friendship between Peter and Kermit be strong enough to survive the betrayal it will face in the process?
Fourth in the "Ties that Bind" series
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Published: Jul 23, 2006 Updated: Jul 23, 2006
After receiving sanctuary at the X-Mansion, two marauders reveal information that not only involves several of the X-Men, but one of their deadest enemies as well.
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Rated: PG-13
Categories: Comics >
Marvel >
X-Men Characters: Gambit,
The Marauders,
The Starjammers,
The X-Men
Genres: A.U.,
AngstType: None
Warnings: Language,
Series: Between Family, Friends and Enemies Arc
Chapters: 20
Table of Contents
Completed: Yes
Word count: 73229
Read Count: 1765
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