10 Smallest Series

One man's thrist for revenge has severe consequences and Gondor might never recover from the aftermath.

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Summary: Again the title says everything about the content.
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Summary: Stories based on the 70's television police drama, Chase, staring Wayne Maunder, Reid Smith, Michael Richardson, Brian Fong and Mitchell Ryan.
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Summary: A saga that begins with Kermit inheriting a house.
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Summary: Gibbs writes letters to his wife and daughter
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Summary: Following the aftermath in Antarctica, secrets are revealed that not only involves the X-Men, but one of their most dangerous enemies as well. 
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Summary: A prosperous summer leads into a season of pain and despair when the boys are ambushed
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Summary: Stories related to the episodes, either before, during or after.
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Summary: Peter meets a woman from a different world.
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Summary: A dreaded OFC series in which Constance (Zee) Grail, the daughter of one of the agents killed in Boston at the opening of the series, interacts with the canon characters. Origianally an angst vehicle for Gideon, and later a potential romantic interest for Reid.
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