KFTLC: the post-Requiem series by Ellie_M_P
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Summary: As I never made peace with the way KFTLC ended, I thought I'd give it a proper ending. Here I'll be uploading a version of what comes after Peter becomes priest. How does a former hot-shot cop manage with being a holy man in this unholy world? How do the Blaisdells take their son's career change? What happens in France? And last but not least, what's happening in everyone's private lives? With the help of the old characters and some new faces, all questions receive their answer and the story gets proper ending. But there is a lot of time 'till then... :)
Categories: Action/Adventure > KFTLC
Characters: All characters
Genres: Adventure
Type: None
Warnings: Adult content / Sexual Situations, Disturbing imagery, Language, Violence
Challenges: None
Parent Series: None
Stories: 0
Series Type: Moderated