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Summary: Tongue in cheek stories written in celebration of April Fool's  Day
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Summary: Three stories involving the pairing of Barbara and Robert.
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Summary: Following the aftermath in Antarctica, secrets are revealed that not only involves the X-Men, but one of their most dangerous enemies as well. 
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Summary: Stories based on the 70's television police drama, Chase, staring Wayne Maunder, Reid Smith, Michael Richardson, Brian Fong and Mitchell Ryan.
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Summary: A prosperous summer leads into a season of pain and despair when the boys are ambushed
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This is an Alternate Universe story. Peter Caine has a sister named Serena who is three years older than him. When the temple is destroyed by Master Dao and his mercenaries, she is told that Peter and their father, Kwai Chang Caine are dead. They in turn are told that she did not survive.

Serena is found by Master Ping Hai and Master Khan. What she then chooses to do will alter her life's path, forever. Later, when she is reunited with father and brother, what she chose to do will also alter her relationship with both of them, the one with her father being the most profoundly affected.

Note: <> denotes Chinese being spoken

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Summary: I'm a sucker for the Eighth Doctor and I wasn't happy that he only had one shot, the movie so, I decided to create my own world for them. The BBC owns all the characters, I just borrowed them for awhile. Nine and Ten are in here and Grace runs through out the whole series. I hope you like what I've done.
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Summary: Mit Caine auf Wanderschaft, sehen sich Peter und Kermit einer großen Herausforderung gegenüber. Sie müssen verhindern, dass Shambhala in die Hände der Sing Wah gerät.

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Summary: As Special Agent Peter Burke drove away from the prison with Neal in the passenger seat, the conman couldn't help but feel like he was going from one prison to another.
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Summary: Again the title says everything about the content.
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