Forever-The Eighth Doctor and Grace Holloway by BlackFury
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Summary: I'm a sucker for the Eighth Doctor and I wasn't happy that he only had one shot, the movie so, I decided to create my own world for them. The BBC owns all the characters, I just borrowed them for awhile. Nine and Ten are in here and Grace runs through out the whole series. I hope you like what I've done.
Categories: Sci/Fi & Fantasy > Dr. Who
Characters: None
Genres: Adventure, Angst, Romance
Type: Het
Warnings: Adult content / Sexual Situations, Character death
Challenges: None
Parent Series: None
Stories: 6
Series Type: Closed

Published: Apr 16, 2012 Updated: Apr 16, 2012
After leaving Earth and telling Grace Holloway goodbye, The Doctor does something he has never done before, he comes back to Earth for Grace. This time she goes with him and their relationship deepens, grows and finally, they marry but then, the Time War happens and their world changes, forever. More info...
Published: Apr 28, 2012 Updated: Apr 28, 2012
It's one year since Grace Holloway died. He made a promise and a Timelord keeps his promises, no matter how much they hurt. More info...
Published: Apr 18, 2012 Updated: Apr 18, 2012
It's been five years since the death of Grace and the Ninth Doctor keeps his promise and comes back to see his angel and tell her how he has been. More info...
Published: Apr 20, 2012 Updated: Apr 20, 2012
When the Doctor, the Tenth one, makes his yearly visit to Grace's grave, he brings Rose along and finally tells her about his wife. More info...
Published: Apr 28, 2012 Updated: Apr 28, 2012
Up until the Ninth Doctor, the TARDIS had been his time machine, his mode of transport and a help but, not much else. Yes, she was sentient but, she was mostly in the background.

However, with the Ninth Doctor, something happened to change all of that and it happened before he met Rose. The TARDIS, somehow, gained a soul, began to do things almost without being asked to do them. What changed?

This is my idea of how the Heart of the TARDIS came to be. More info...
Published: Jul 02, 2012 Updated: Jul 02, 2012
Next installment of the series "Forever-Grace and the Eighth Doctor" A rewrite of Journey's End in which Davros learns about the power of complete and unconditional love from the Heart of the TARDIS herself, Grace Holloway She also smooth things between Rose and the Doctor's twin while finding a way to save Donna as well. More info...