Categories: Crime Drama > Criminal Minds
Characters: None
Genres: None
Type: None
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Parent Series: None
Stories: 3
Series Type: Closed
Written for The prompt was Isa (standstill, or a time to turn inward and wait for what is to come)
There were only a few things that had ever left her speechless - but what she had was one of them.
More info...Written for The prompt was Ehwaz (movement and change for the better).
She has left without any explanation - but he won't rest until he found her.
More info...Prompt was #17 Tiwaz (victory and success in any competition)
Part 1/? of the 'Loser Lynch' series. Written for my wonderful beta-reader Gretchen who also suggested the title. It took me long enough to come up with a story that fits it.
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